What time it is in Iran & Tehran
The official Iranian time zone standard (IRST or IT International Code) is based on Greenwich Time, with an offset of +3:30 hours due to the time difference.
What time it is in Iran? In Tehran or another cities,Time zone has observed daylight saving time since 2008. On June 5 of that year, authorities officially discontinued the use of summer time. Consequently, from April 5 onwards, country ceased practicing daylight saving time, and authorities will not implement it further.
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How the official Time Zone for Iran was developed?
One issue encountered upon flying to Persia was the lack of a standard Iran time zone. Back in early 1900’s each city in Iran operated on its own local zone, with no official international timing reference. To address this, we organised a group of students to measure the length and latitude of various locations.
Subsequently, we established correspondence with the UK, including International Greenwich. As a result, we determined that the official Iranian time zone would have a 1.5-hour difference from Greenwich Mean Time.
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Time zone info for Iran
The time in Iran is 8 hours and 30 minutes ahead compare to New York when NY is on standard timing. In addition, Iran is 3 hours and 30 minutes ahead of UTC and 3 hours and 30 minutes behind Bangkok, Thailand. The timezone is UTC+3:30. Country is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 2022.
The country uses Standard Time IRST & the Daylight Time IRDT. IRST is UTC +0330 and IRDT is UTC +0430. Iran’s time zones are exceptions; most time zones offset UTC by a number of whole hours. However, Iran’s latitude and longitude is 32° 00′ N and 53° 00′ E. Therefore a UTC +0330 is perfect for Iran.
What time it is in Iran – FAQ
UTC +3:30 Tehran Standard Time-Zone (IRST)
Iran has not had daylight saving since 2022
The IANA time zone identifier for Asia/Tehran
Latitude: 32.00. Longitude: 53.00